October 22, 2024

What do we mean by innovate? Folding a napkin three times to fit under a wonky table leg? Using pieces of a space suit to plug an air leakage in a space shuttle ‘a la’ Apollo 13?

People throw around the word innovative because it’s a buzzword, it’s an update of the ‘cutting edge’ of the 90’s. There are a great many businesses in the world that label themselves as innovative without really grasping what it means. There is a definition, of course: “Innovation is about finding a new way of doing something. It can be viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in-articulated needs, or existing market needs.”

At MAV innovation is a philosophy. It is an unwritten policy that is embedded into the core of the business at every level and our innovation is all about making technology meet a new and specific need of our customers. Not technology for technology’s sake – pure and simple we design and deliver what’s needed where it didn’t previously exist by understanding what is possible.

In our opinion words can never capture what only actions prove. At MAV we provide ALPR cameras that are truly innovative. They meet the specific needs of our customers and form part of their solution to not only satisfy expectations but normally surpass them. We are the outsourced R&D team for our customers and we take that responsibility seriously.

Examples of innovation are not always bleeding edge technology. We have made products for clients that morph multiple systems into one; we change the shape of products to match the form required; we add connectivity; we increase performance; we lower power consumption – and we do that because our customers let us know they want it so we deliver it.

Recent examples of innovation have been a hybrid analog, IP and HD camera, borne out of a customer’s connectivity goals and a massively powerful illuminator for high speed night time image capture. These solution were achieved through collaboration with the customer and innovation in design. MAV were able to design and build unique solutions to unique customer problems rapidly.

We believe that finding out what a customer needs is the starting point. Meeting those needs through the provision of bespoke design is always an option we consider rather than trying to convince a customer to compromise and take something standard.

We think this form of innovation is one of the reasons why MAV have attracted so many loyal customers who eagerly seek our assistance in making their business better – we innovate to differentiate? So, what do you want?.